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The Adkins Family Foundation accepts proposals for projects supporting children's programs, the arts and general operating support. Please note that there are some differences in the information required, depending upon the type of request.  Also, the time it takes for approval will depend upon the nature of the request.  



                        GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS


  • ​​The application has three parts. Be sure to complete each part.

  • Type all proposals (minimum 10 point).

  • Provide all of the information in the order listed.

  • All questions relative to the request must be completed fully.

  • Submit only one copy with numbered pages; do not bind or staple.

  • Do not include materials other than those specifically requested at this time.


The first step in the process is the completion of the application which is being provided to you in the form of a fillable PDF.  Please be thorough and detailed in completing the application so as to insure receiving our full consideration. If you have questions please email them to 



Please provide the following information in the order presented below. Note that some sections are not required for general operating support. Refer to the glossary of terms (last page) as needed when preparing the narrative. Use no more than five pages; excluding attachments.


     Organization Information and Background


  • Provide a brief summary of the organization’s mission, goals, history, programs, and major accomplishments, success stories and qualifications.

  • Show evidence of client & community support.

Project/Program Description
(not required for general operating requests)
  • Abstract: Briefly describe the proposed program, how it relates to the organization’s mission, capacity to carry out the program and who will benefit from the program.

  • Explain the significance of the program and why the organization is qualified to carry it out

  • Describe the expected outcomes and the indicators of those outcomes.

  • Document the size and characteristics of the population to be served by the program.

  • Outline the strategy/methodology and timeline to be used in the development and implementation of the program.

  • What is the plan to involve the population you intend to serve in the design?

  • How does this program enhance the existing services in the community?


  • Briefly describe the evaluation process and how the results will be used.

  • Explain how the organization will measure the effectiveness of the program.

  • Describe the criteria for success.

  • Describe the results expected to be achieved by the end of the funding period.

                                                                                   Funding Considerations
  • Describe plans for obtaining other funding needed to carry out the project/program or organizational goals, including amounts requested of other funders.
  • If the project/program is expected to continue beyond the grant period, describe plans for ensuring continued funding after the grant period.
  • List the top five funders of this project (if applying for a program grant) or organization (if applying for general operating support) in the previous fiscal year, the current year, and those pending for the next fiscal year.


Submit the following attachments (in the order listed) with the completed proposal:

        1) Complete list of the organization's officers and directors.

        2) The organization's actual income and expense statement for the past fiscal year, identifying the organization's principal sources 

             of support.

        3) The organization's projected income and expense budget for the current fiscal year, identifying the projected revenue sources.

        4) The organizations most recent audited financial statement including notes and IRS Form 990.

        5) Copies of the IRS federal tax exemption determination letters.

        6) Program Budget (multi-year if applicable). NOT required for general operating requests.

        7) Grantee Report (if previously funded) .


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